This 1080p, 60 fps version is my personal edit. Original processing was done by Gerald Eichstädt, Seán Doran. I did some sound design, colour corrections, removed some dust and scratches and upscaled it. I edited in some depth, colour corrected a bit, gave it a little blur and made it 60 fps so it appears to be more fluid in motion. Everything we're fed is designed to divide and to coerce.. I feel the need to create visuals that counter this. Humanity needs to get it's # together and go explore. I hope you'll enjoy watching it, I certainly did!
NASA Juno Mission
NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Seán Doran / Bram Balvers A Gorgeous Flyby of Jupiter. Juno is a NASA space probe currently orbiting the planet Jupiter. Juno will improve our understanding of the solar system's beginnings by revealing the origin and evolution of Jupiter.